Summer is in full swing so it’s time to dust off your picnic baskets and blankets, sit with your friends and family and soak up the sun.
Though referenced much sooner, the concept of the picnic came into its own in the 18th century where groups of people came together and each brought something that contributed to their meal. Not a lot has changed since then apart from the myriad of food and drink options we have at our fingertips today!
With so many things to choose from and remember, we’re going to cover what should be on your picnic checklist so that you don’t forget a thing.
Our Gluten Free Picnic Essentials Are:
Bread is the enemy for those that are gluten free, but it doesn't have to be. There are brands now who make their gluten free bread much more accessible. So, yes you can have your sandwiches at your picnic, just be sure to get the gluten free loaf. They are usually located in the ‘Free from’ section of all supermarkets.
You can't have a picnic without pastry, can you? Take our word for it, classic pork pies and cheese and onion tarts should have you covered!
A palette cleanser to make sure you’re ready to go from pie to pud. Or simply for decor, to show willing that you do have great intentions to eat your 5 a-day
This is of course a plural matter. One pudding doesn’t tend to please all and simply won’t do. One person’s Victoria sponge is another's bakewell tart and then there's the carrot cake lovers who don’t care for the rich moist fruit cake like some do. Why not opt for a range and keep everyone happy!
We see a picnic much like an afternoon tea, only outdoors and sat on the floor. So, of course, there has to be scones. The only question being, sweet or savoury… or both? We’d definitely go for both! And we have them all, over on our online shop.
No picnic is complete without your favourite drink to wash it all down and cheers to happy times. Whether that be a soft drink or a little more adult, but there’s nothing quite like a hot flask of tea!
With all of that in tow, we think it should fill a corner… or two! So be sure to enjoy the weather with the friends and food you love this July, knowing that you can do it gluten free too! 🎉
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